Reality Check: Virtual and Augmented Reality are Changing Marketing Strategy

2019-05-15 10:05:58


In the world of marketing, nothing stays the same for long. There is always something new coming to engage with prospects and customers. Virtual reality and augmented technology (VR/AR) have arrived to shake up the digital marketing game, just like social media did just a few short years ago. VR/AR is being adopted quickly by major brands to give customers an immersive, interactive experience they have never had before. The time is now to consider how VR/AR can jumpstart your digital marketing strategy. Let’s look at some successful examples of how VR/AR can take marketing to a new level.


Lowe’s, the home improvement retail behemoth, developed a ‘Holoroom’ that allows customers to see what their home will look like after a home renovation. The company built a virtual reality kitchen design experience that uses a Microsoft Hololens headset. Customers stand in a showroom kitchen, and virtually build their dream kitchen by choosing design features including cabinetry, hardware, countertops and appliances. They have also developed VR projects for do-it-yourself skills, like tiling and using power tools. The sensory engagement customers experience in virtual reality has led to 36 per cent better recall for the steps they have learned, and increased product confidence by 127 percent.

The company is also converting its physical product catalogue into a 3D content library. This will allow customers to view products from all sides, provide better colour matching and help them see how the product will look in their home. Lowe’s has learned through their 3D pilot project that they get a 10 to 50 per cent conversion lift in sales when 3D content is available.

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